Friday, March 12, 2010
Written Upon The Heart

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Making Dreams Come True

"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up!"
God has given us the ability to do so many things. But what causes us not to do them? Are we talked out of them? Do we look at the end result and say, "Wow, I don't know how I'm ever going to get there, I'll do something else."
There are so many things that I would love to do and one of them is that I would love to be a cartoonist. I enjoy looking at life and coming up with witty sayings or a twist of words on an event. The problem is though I cannot draw, so this year I plan to learn to draw and start on my project cartooning some of my thoughts. In effect I'm going to wake up and start doing it.
I'm reminded in the Bible in Acts 12:12 about a guy named John Mark. He was Barnabas' cousin and went with him on Paul first missionary journey. But along that journey for some reason John Mark stopped going. We don't know what happened, but for some reason it made Paul mad. Barnabas wanted to give John Mark a second chance but Paul refused to do so insomuch that he and Barnabas separated themselves.
But John Mark evidentily woke up, because Paul in 2Tim 4:11 says to Timothy, "Take John Mark because he is profitable to me."
We may never see any cartoon drawings of John Mark, but we sure can read what the Holy Spirit gave him to write and that is.... the book of Mark.
Is there something that you desire to do, but have not done it? Wake up, because it's God that gives us the ability to do things. God has a promise in Psalm 34:7. Desire in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I am stuck on you, O Lord

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Bible Reading
In addition, Rhodes indicates that among those who say they read the Bible, the vast majority only read it during the one hour they attend church each Sunday morning.
With these statistics it's easy to see why Christians are easy prey for spiritual deception.
The Bible is God's letter to us to help us with our life. I love getting letters, notes or cards from my family. It's a note that takes the time to formulate our thoughts from our heart and time to write those thoughts down. Sometimes it's thoughts that are never conveyed verbally and without the note we might have never have know the person's thoughts.
Think about a special note that you received. It might have been an encouragement from your teacher, "Good Job Emily" or "Way to Go Andrew". It could have been a recommendation letter from someone. "Emily's character is impeccable" or "Andrew is a blessing with his guitar". How does that make you feel? Yes, special and with righteous pride.
We need to take the time and read God's Word as a personal letter to us. In that context it will help us to read God's Word with a great fervor.
John 15:4 - Emily abide in me, and I in you.
John 15:5 - I am the vine, Andrew is the branches:
The Bible is God's letter to us. Let's find out what He is saying to us today.