Monday, December 27, 2010

Genesis 1-3 The World Puzzle

Genesis 1:10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

January is Bible month for our teen group.  The teen challenge is, "Who can read the most chapters in Genesis this week."  There are 50 chapters in this book and I'm looking forward to see who reads them all.

The above verse made me remember the world map.  I love looking at the world map because it's like a giant puzzle.  South America looks like it could fit in Africa and so on.  Verse 10 shows that God called the different water areas seas.   It appears the God created the land first and then had it divided by the seas.  Boy, I bet that had to be one massive move.

But the biggest move is when we accept Jesus as our Saviour and start living for Him.  Remember what God did for you and thank Him today.

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