Sunday, November 6, 2016

Nov. 6 Without Love We Are Nothing

Sunday Nov. 6

Without Love We Are Nothing

1 Corinthians 13:2

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

Stop all activities for serving God and take a pause to reflect on today’s verse.  What are you doing for the Lord?  Are you praying?  If you are praying just for the sake of praying because you know it’s your daily duty to pray, stop and think.  Are you doing it for love?  Are you reading God’s Word?  If you are reading the Word of God just to finish a goal for the year, stop and think about the verse above.  Are you reading God’s Word because you want to learn more about His love towards you and you want to know His love so you can love?  Are you going to church because it’s Sunday and it’s the thing to do.  Stop and think why it’s so important for you to go to church.  Is church a reflection of Christ’s love toward you and your desire to love Him?  Is there an opportunity for you to love someone today at church and provide a kind act of love, simply because you see them as Christ sees them?
Are we serving in the church because it’s the church business or are we in the people business?  Without love we are nothing.  Again, let me say it again, without love we are nothing.  Paul made this statement, and he sure did a lot of things back in his day to run circles around our meager attempt in serving.  But Paul says, it’s nothing.  It is absolutely meaningless if the reason is not done with love.
The true question is if you do not have the love to serve, then why?  Have you forgotten what Christ has done?  More importantly, have you forgotten what Christ has done for you?  The Word is God is a love letter for you.  Reread God’s letter and make it personal to you again and see what Christ has done for you.


Today’s Prayer: 

Lord, I am nothing without love.  Remind me to take notice in the things that I do today, that it is in reflection of my love towards you.
